I need to be better about posting food more often! Those seem to be the entries that get the most hits! It's a day late..sorry bout that, but here's a Tasty Tuesday post with 6 healthy burgers to the heavier greaseburger option we've all come to know and love. I want to make an effort this summer to eat less red meat. I tried it for Lent this past season, and if I were to be graded, I would've scored a 78% (oops). I really love steak! And it's hard for me to pass up an opportunity to eat good BBQ or grill out. Especially now that the weather is so nice! I scoured up a few recipes I plan on trying this summer that I think you'll enjoy
1. Quinoa turkey burger with caramelized kale and onions.
Full recipe at Fabtastic Eats |
The recipe sounds mouthwatering! I'll definitely be trying this one first. Until last month, I'd never cooked kale before...it's so tasty sauteed with a bit of garlic! This recipe's not exactly meeting the terms of an ahimsic diet that my yoga teacher training encourages, but hey..baby steps.
2. Teriyaki salmon burger
Full recipe at Grill This, Not That |
A nice pescetarian option! I had a very similar salmon burger at the First Flush Festival a few weeks ago at the Charleston Tea Plantation. I can't remember what the name of the food truck was, but they have an actual restaurant on Folly Rd. It was really good! I've never attempted making a salmon burger before so this should be interesting.
3. Green chile cheeseburger
Full recipe at Cook This, Not That |
OK. Not everyone has jumped on the gluten free, vegan/vegetarian (or even pescetarian) band wagon. Here's a nice MEATY burger that's still very healthy. And not that I count calories (I don't even know what that means) but this burger is under 400 while your typical burger at a restaurant is over 1,000!
4. Spicy chickpea veggie burger
Full recipe at Running on Real Food |
For those looking for a gluten free and/or vegan option, this looks great! I do love some hummus so I just may give this one a shot. I am a bit concerned about the texture and structure though, so if you happen to try this one let me know how you like it and how you kept it from falling apart!
5. Stuffed Portobello burgers with caramelized onions
Full recipe at Women's Health |
I don't often cook with mushrooms, but when I do I always wish I'd made more. (Did that sound like a weird Dos Equis commercial?) Good thing this recipe makes 4!
6. Build your own vegetarian burger
You could always make your own recipe! I've discovered the perfect formula:
[1 lb beans of your choice] + [1/2 c onion, chopped and 1 garlic clove, minced] + [2 c veggies of your choice] + [3 tbsp liquid flavoring] + [4 tsp - 2 spices of your choice] + [1 c binder of your choice] + [1/2 c texture optional]
Beans - Use a food processor but watch your consistency. You don't want it too emulsified. For beans I recommend using lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, or black beans. But remember black beans can be pretty dominant and even if you use a little, you're making a black bean burger no matter what you use next
Veggies - I suggest carrots, celery, spinach, kale, artichoke, zucchini, or squash
Liquid flavoring - Mix and match from the following: ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, Worcestershire, teriyaki, buffalo, balsamic vinegar, salsa, pasta sauce
Spice - I suggest combining at least 2 of the following: paprika, cumin, chili powder, italian seasoning, black pepper, cayenne pepper, fennel, oregano, curry powder, and salt IF your liquid flavoring doesn't already contain any
Binder - I recommend sweet potato, bread crumbs or panko, quinoa, buckwheat, or oatmeal
Texture - I recommend avocado, sun dried tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, or crushed cashew, walnut, or almond
*TIP:: If your patties are too mushy and not holding the shape, add a bit of flour or baking powder!*
There are countless wonderful recipes online for healthy burgers and vegetarian options. If you have one you particularly love, share it with me in a comment down below!
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